Good evening
Following are the Raptors spotted over Hawk Hill today.
- Turkey Vulture - 299
- Osprey - 2
- Bald Eagle - 2 juveniles
- Northern Harrier - 8
- Sharp-shinned hawk - 147
- Cooper's hawk - 4
- Northern Goshawk - 1
- Broad-winged Hawk - 247
- Red-tailed hawk - 12
- American Kestrel - 15
- Merlin - 1
These are the unofficial numbers, in other words my count and not the officail one.
Also seen were 12 Rusty Blackbirds, 650+ Blue Jays and a late Chimney Swift.
I had actually started out going to the Toronto Islands where I spent a whole 1 1/4 hours on the southeast corner of Wards Island but in thet short time among other birds I counted 2500+ Blue Jays, 49 Rusty Blackbirds, and 125+ Yellow-rumped Warblers. The Rusties and Jays were all flying west.
I was aware of the forcasted NW winds so off I went to High Park and I am glad I did.