Hello fellow birders
so, why do we never see any of youse in the Don Valley? Admittedly, we never see a heck of a lot of birds but one does run into some interesting things. Any ideas as to why the birding is quite thin relative to similar habitat like the eatern TO Islands?
Yesterday late afernoon we saw the usual collection of mallards (no herons in evidence, which was odd-- same with the residents kingfishers); lots of goldfinches, a cardinal family, and a flock of about twenty redwings. The resident red tail made an appearance follwed by what looked to be a merlin, which in turn scared up a couple dozen mourning doves. Chipping and song swarrows were about in very small numbers-- there were very few sparrows of any kind for some reason. A high flying raptor moving down valley may have a been a rough legged hawk and by the pedestrian bridge we had a great view of a solitary sandpiper working the mud.