Good evening folks.
Well today was another one of those days on the Toronto Islands, no birders (their loss)
but plenty of birds and beautiful weather. Rather be working, Nah !
I arrived at Hanlans Point shortly after 8 am and started birding close to the ferry dock and as I was walking around Margaret Liubavicius got off of the next ferry boat and joined me for a very nice day of birding.
The LeConte's Sparrow was at the southwest corner of the airfield fence on Hanlans in the morning and to end the day we found a Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow behind the houses (in The Meadow) on Wards Islands, A nice pair of bookends, so to speak.
The LeConte's gave a stellar view as it sat on the chain link fence for up to 2 minutes at a time. Nice little bird.
Some of the other Birds seen on The Islands were Cooper's Hawk, Belted Kingfisher, 54 Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, N. Flickers, 39 Eastern Phoebes, 6 Blue-headed Vireos, Red-eyed Vireo, Gray-cheeked Thrushes, Swainson's Thrushes, 31 Hermit Thrushes, Brown Creeper, 13 Winter Wrens, American Pipits, 6 Orange-crowned Warblers, Pine Warbler, Palm Warblers, A. Redstarts, 10 Sparrow Species including Song, 14 Lincoln's, 16 Swamp, Juncos, Sharp-tailed, LeConte's, and Field Sparrows.
Of course both Kinglets and White-throated and White-crowned Sparrows were common.
A great day.