Hey Tyler,
It took me a few minutes but I knew that I had read this posting before, I just had to find it.
Read it and weep!!! :lol:
Re: great gray owl
Posted by Eddy on December 30, 2004 at 15:03:56:
In Reply to: Re: great gray owl posted by mc² on December 30, 2004 at 08:13:15:
The Owl was on Brimley rd. about half way down the hill towards the lake. Today I saw the owl three different times, all on the west side of the road (what a site). I hope he-she is able to find lots of food and sticks around for awhile. This is the third owl that I have seen in the wild. I have seen hawks, deer, fox, beaver, anyway I just wanted to say that the wild life at bluffers Park is great and its in the city. Sorry for yapping so much. I am now a Gray fan. I will look for Mr gray tomorrow.
So it is possible, eh?