:? :? otay, sorry this is a helluva way to start off being a member. have followed this site for ages and feel like friends to all ive met afield and at various sightings, i am relativealy new to the birding world having logged about 7 seasons so far and alas i seem to be a bit confused. i thought the point of having a birding family, was to share our finds?
we have reached a point now of hiding birds we found, so only a few select get to enjoy them or photo them? for the past 7 yrs that i have birded, mostly with jim fairchild, rip, we shared what we found with everyone who loved these feathered friends. this year seems to be mired in tales of photographers harassing birds, baiting, and generally being real doorknobs. went to sir sams recently and ran across 2 idiots baiting a kestrel with a store bought mouse hanging on a branch off their tripod, , we shall not say the words used to them on here but i must have made them nervous , they moved out shortly afterwards, hopefully one day i will get names of these 2 weasels,, we need to work together to abolish these practises, not cut off peoples rights to view, we also need to clarify with conservation and proper authoritys as to whether baiting is legal or not. there seems to be too much variance on this practise. ok denis, enjoyed all your shots' but the secret part irked me , i can understand the idealogy and the dont tell anyone from a protection mode , and also from a honor standpoint, but if this continues, where we gonna end up here everyone?? i saw a great rare bird today but sorry i cant tell you where it is, because im afraid everyone is gonna scare the bird and so i gonna keep it a secret from everyone?
we need to stick together , report the unsavourys, but not to deny the ones that love to see' or watch ' or photograph our friends.okay i vented, and probably alot of yall disagree with this , but i put it out there, i for one will continue the practise of sharing my finds with everyone,95 per cent of the birders i met are caring ,lovely people , united in a love of birds and wildlife, i will not deny the whole bushel of apples because a few of them are rotten. good birding foks, keep the great pics coming.