For the past week or so there has been an adult Ivory Gull present near Champlain N.Y. Although I have seen immature Ivory Gull, I have never seen an adult. As the species seems to be in serious decline there may not be much time left to see one.
The area where the gull is being seen is about a 7 hour drive from Toronto on Lake Champlain, crossing the border at Cornwall. I was tempted to go last week but the poor weather stopped me. However, this week looks better but my only day off work is Thursday. However, if somebody was interested in going Wednesday--assuming the bird is still present-- I probably could wangle a day off.
You can check for updates on: Click on Regional under Mailing and then check the Vermont, Northern New York and New York listservs.
Please contact me if interested in chasing this bird.
Brendan O'Sullivan
P.S. There is a Northern Hawk Owl and Tufted Duck in the area also.