Pelee National Park and Pelee Island - RFI
Outdoor Ontario

Pelee National Park and Pelee Island - RFI


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We are also planning our 1st trip to Peele National Park as well during May, just wonder, how early should we go to the park and is the park open early in the morning, e.g. 7am?  Have never been there and any information regarding what to do (e.g. joining bird hiking in the park or go on your own?) would be greatly appreaciated.  (We have booked the place to stay already it's the weekend of May 15)

from what I heard, May is the best time to go and I am really really looking forward to this trip to see different song birds, waterfowls, raptors.....etc :P
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by cocosally »


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Early May (until the 16th), the park opens at 5:00 AM and the first shuttle runs from the Visitors' Centre to the tip at 6:00 AM.  Traditionally, people start their day at the tip to see what has blown in overnight.  However, the best place in the park often depends on the overnight weather.  If Ohio was clear-skied but there was cold rain over the lake, the tip is unsurpassed.  However, with gentle breezes from the south, you might find better birding farther north in the park.

There are a number of guided hikes, but they tend to fill up fast on the weekends.  Whether or not they are worth the price depends on your comfort as a birder.  Or your comfort in flagging down a passing stranger to help you.  It can be quite populous in the park, but almost everyone is a birder.  Most are friendly.  Your mileage may vary.

From the 17th on, the park doesn't open until 6:00 and I don't know if the shuttle runs from 7:00 or from 10:00.  Not that you can't walk to the tip from the Visitors' Centre.  And the guided hikes are no longer available.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by GStuart »


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Quote from: "GStuart"
Early May (until the 16th), the park opens at 5:00 AM and the first shuttle runs from the Visitors' Centre to the tip at 6:00 AM.  Traditionally, people start their day at the tip to see what has blown in overnight.  However, the best place in the park often depends on the overnight weather.  If Ohio was clear-skied but there was cold rain over the lake, the tip is unsurpassed.  However, with gentle breezes from the south, you might find better birding farther north in the park.

There are a number of guided hikes, but they tend to fill up fast on the weekends.  Whether or not they are worth the price depends on your comfort as a birder.  Or your comfort in flagging down a passing stranger to help you.  It can be quite populous in the park, but almost everyone is a birder.  Most are friendly.  Your mileage may vary.

From the 17th on, the park doesn't open until 6:00 and I don't know if the shuttle runs from 7:00 or from 10:00.  Not that you can't walk to the tip from the Visitors' Centre.  And the guided hikes are no longer available.

Wow! Thank you GStuart, we are only beginners ^_^ I will definitely check the weather before and I think we will try on our own and see what we can find.  I am also thinking of getting a better Binocular as well, will check out the forum for choice of Binocular.  I am small Nikon binocular, thinking of getting the Monarch series.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by cocosally »


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When in Pt. Pelee I've always done well birding the woodlot north of the visitor centre parking lot during mid-morning hours.  So I usually start at the point and work up the peninsula.  

If you're looking for new binocs I would strongly encourage you to check out Pelee Wings online, and then call on them when in Leamington.  This is a great shop for birding optics, and they will help you find the perfect pair for your use and budget.

Have a great trip!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Pruss »


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Thank you Pat for your info ^_^ you know, I am so excited! even though there is still 1 month to go.  :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by cocosally »