Carden Alvar April 2 2010
Outdoor Ontario

Carden Alvar April 2 2010

Tyler · 1 · 1043


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 210
Carden Alvar area

I went up today to do 3 things a) look at the 2009 osprey nests, b) see if the yellow Walleye Spawning run was on. and c) see what was at Carden

a) 3 of 13 nests had osprey present (4 birds total)
b) 100+ Yellow Walleye below the dam on the talbot river east of Gamebridge (hwy 12)

c) summer like day on the Carden Alvar.
Bird present included Wilson's Snipes (displaying)Brown thrasher, Swamp, Song and Savannah Sparrow, Tree Swallows, Eastern Phoebes, Eastern Bluebirds and Eastern Meadowlarks. Other people had Sandhill Cranes
Also there were 5 species of Frogs calling (Chorus, Leopard, Wood, Spring Peeper and 5 very early Green Frogs)
Other sightings included Porupines up trees (a common sight in early spring), several Painted Turtles

Not bad a 3 for 3 day.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Tyler »