Today I went birding in Saltfleet, on 10th Road.
This is what I saw:
4 Pectoral Sandpipers
4 Eastern Meadowlarks
1 Belted Kingfiasher
Northern Shrike
Numerous Kildeer
I could hear the Sandpipers calling calling in the field, and about 20 minutes later 3 flew up about 10 feet from me and 1 more flew up a minute later. The Meadowlarks were good for pictures today. One was perched on one of the railway poles, and another was perched in a tree. I also saw a Belted Kingfisher fly over the field around 10:45. The Northern Shrike I could hear but not see. There was a bird on a tree branch that may of been it but the sunlight was so bad, that I could get no colour on the bird.
I also went to Beamer Conservation Area today. The highlights were 2 Adult Bald Eagles, 1 Adult Rough-Legged, 2 Merlins, and 3 Sandhill Cranes flying low over the tower were some of the highlights.