First off, I would like to thank Andrew Don for letting me know about this bird.
I started my morning off at the Dundas Marsh. I spent 3 hours there and only saw 2 Wood Ducks,Pine Warbler (I think), 2 Terns and several Northern Rough-Winged Swallows. If I had of stayed here 30 minutes longer, I would have seen the Black Vulture.
I then went to Beamer Conservation Area, where it was mostly slow. Only seen were Turkey Vultures, Red-Tails, and a Merlin. Non-raptors seen were Loon,Brown Thrasher, Eastern Phoebe, Northern Flicker and Red-Bellied Woodpecker.
I finished over at 10th Side Road near Vinemount and saw the following:
4 Greater Yellowlegs
2 Lesser Yellow Legs
1 Dunlin
Numerous Kildeer, and a Northern Rough-winged Swallow