Today we visited Thickson's Woods for the first time. I was a little worried about the day when it got off to a not so good start with a very unfriendly birder in the parking lot, but after that we had a great day!
We saw today, for the the first time, a Great Horned Owl, he was fast asleep in the tree, but easily seen on a branch without leaf cover. I walked around with my mouth open in total awe. I know a lot of you have already seen owls, but seeing this guy for the first time was amazing to me.
We also were treated to a Winter Wren sighting and song for a few minutes as he hopped up on a dead tree branch and broke into song, like he wanted the audience, it was our first time seeing one of these too, and a big thank you to the friendly birder who pointed him out to us!
We also saw through out our time there:
Tree Swallows
White-Throated Sparrow
Vireo (not sure what kind, we think Blue-headed Vireo)
A pair of Flickers
Lots of Hermit Thrushes
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Turkey Vultures
and I'm sure I'm forgetting something. I loved the area and am sure we will be going back.