Here are my numbers for the week:
Total (12) Species
Species Number Notes
Mourning Dove 275 Highest number this year.
House Sparrow 340 Lower then usual.
Grackle 440 2nd Biggest week this year.
American Robin 17
Blue Jay 10 More expected next week.
American Goldfinch 2
Northern Cardinal 15
Brown-Headed Cowbird 53
European Starling 6
House Finch 8
Red-Winged Black Bird 30 Largest number this year.
Chipping Sparrow 1
Overall: This was my 2nd biggest of the Season. I was surprised because I was expecting a slower week due to female birds on nests. A huge week of Mourning Doves this week. I usually only have 120 a week, but this week was double that.
Non-feeder birds: 4 Coopers Hawk (hunting), 140 Turkey Vultures (hunting), 4 Eastern Phoebes (singing), 12 Chimny Swifts (flying)