Yonge and Finch exactly
on Drewry
l Canada Goose
kept trying to cross Drewry
I must say, I watched from the other corner
waiting for the bus and all the motorists were very good
they did their best to avoid it
but then he would get across and come out again
to go back
Well, next thing I know this goose is down right in the middle
of Yonge Street with 2 others with it
You can imagine the cars
I could hardly look
A man from the car dealershp went right into the traffic and put
his hand out allowing the geese to reach the curb safely
I then saw the geese fly off all together
A happy ending!
touch and go for a while
Oh, I know some people think
only Geese and they dont like them
I dont feel like that
My heart went out to them
Nice ending!