After hearing numerous reports about high quanity and quality Warblers at Shell Park, I certainly wasnt going to make the mistake of not going. It was a great morning which totaled to 15 Species.
Highlights include:
Canada Warbler
Indigo Bunting
The rest are.....
Northern Parula-1
Gray Catbird-6
Palm Warbler-7
Chestnut-sided-1 (Very good views of the bird)
Blue-grey Gnatcatcher-10 -There were alot of them this morning, at one point they were all over the place!
Indigo Bunting- 1 My first of the season and of my life! Im happy that I saw it.
Baltimore Oriole-5
Rose-breasted Grosbeak-1
Black-throated Green-2
Least-crested Flycatcher-1
Canada Warbler-1
Black and White Warbler-9
Sharp-shinned Hawk-1
It was a great morning, and I met some very friendly people. Make sure you get out this weekend! You dont want to miss anything.