I've noticed they have such a wide variety of calls -- I figured the calls were common to the species but I"m wondering if little communities have their own special calls....I'm convinced that some of the calls I hear around my place were the inspiration for the vocalizations of the velacorapters in Jurassic Park...and their behaviour too...they hang out in little sneaky packs....
This summer, apparently we had a blue jay nest in a cedar tree just behind our deck...I was kinda wondering about it but we get them in the cedar bush a lot...we have feeders adjacent to it sooo....anyway, I found a fledgling one day...confirmed it for me...I'm sure I can pinpoint the tree but never did find the nest...the fledgling was good to go...looked like a mini blue jay...pretty cute.
I find them hypocritical though...I mean they mob predators and yet, they're predatory too.