Cooper's Hawk Nest For Bird Brain
Outdoor Ontario

Cooper's Hawk Nest For Bird Brain

MEGHAN · 4 · 1369


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Hey Folks,

Here are a few shots of a Cooper's Hawk nest that Jo-Anne has been keeping us updated about.
It's a difficult shoot due to the light and shadow, but I wanted to share these.
Can't wait for them to start fledging and tearing up the forest.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by MEGHAN »
"Birds are a visual treat that reaffirms the joy and goodness of living. Birds are also the most elegant expression of life”.
Roger Tory Peterson

Bird Brain

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Meg ... Thank You So Much for this thread and photos.  Wow!  I can't even pick a favourite picture out of these.  The "stare down" in photo #4 is great!   :lol:

A big Thank You to ostrich and cocosally as well re: updates regarding this nest and sightings.  It's been quite the adventure!
Jo-Anne  :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Bird Brain »
Jo-Anne :)

"If what you see by the eye doesn't please you, then close your eyes and see from the heart".


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Great shots! all of them, if i had to pick a fav it would be #5 the wing spread...getting ready to fly maybe?
thanks for sharing these

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by ravynne40 »
Dream, fly, soar and believe!


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Please feel free to look at the flickr album from my husband under my signature :D

They grow so fast! on one of the photo, you can clearly see 4!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by cocosally »