Dec31 Niagara
Outdoor Ontario

Dec31 Niagara

Napper · 1 · 2016


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Hey all

 "Happy New years"

We just made it home from the Niagara Region. (with a nasty cold brewing)

We started out a bit late on Sunday made a pit stop at the Queenston monument for a quick sandwich.

We then followed the Niagara pwky South. Stopped at the little rest stop Just South of the Power station

and had a look. Only one scope on station at around 1:30 pm (estimate). Showed the kids the Gorge and

the station. Boy! was it windy and Cold. Continued on to the falls to see where the concert was going to

be that night. After the falls I spotted 10 to 15 Scopes on station near the breakwall.  I parked and got out

with my bino's. Immediately, I felt intimidated by these massive scopes and people in parkas pouring over

them. I politely introduced myself and asked one of the guys about the gulls, types etc..

A Greater Black Backed Gull was quite evident directly in front of this location frolicking in the channel.

He described the types pointed his scope at the Greater Black backed and said have a look. He also

pointed out a lesser Blackbacked gull for me and allowed me to look. I found out before leaving that his

name was Willie D'anna. He also pointed out a lady name Jean Iron who has many pictures posted on the

OFO site. Very happy, impressed, gracious and freezing I said a quick thank you and drove south to Fort


Further on I spotted a Hooded Merganser at the Water inlet to the Welland river, a Belted Kingfisher

and many Buffleheads south towards Fort Erie. I spotted and imaged what I think is a (Great Black Back

Gull 3rd winter) South of Black creek on a rock. please correct me if I'm wrong.

Today in Port Colborne

At Gravelly Bay I spotted
20  plus American Coots (behind the hospital)
10  Common Mergansers (federal grain storage facility)
4 Swans on shore (too far even with binos) behind the hospital
1 Greater black Back Gull at Schoefields marina(old name)
1000's of gulls on the break wall( too far to see and no access without a boat)
many buffleads and Mallards and Canada Geese.

Sunday  it was empty.

Napper  :))
P.s. Got soaked waiting for fireworks  at 9:00 pm at the falls that never happened, too wet, went to
       parents house and watched in on TV
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Napper »
Interesting site you should check out is
flkr...   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?