It's an interesting campaign but not sure how relevant it is to most people (how many baby birds do people generally find?).
The first three species listed for "in our backyard" are all invasives, and the remainder (Canada geese, mallards, robins and crows) are all doing well enough and are well enough known that I'm not sure why they'd be a focus. Only the mourning dove is stopping somewhat short of being absolutely everywhere all the time. Not to be cruel, but with the exception of cats anything else that endangers a baby bird is natural. Why not spend the money on a Cat Campaign, since the city can't begin to enforce its own bylaws? Or raise awareness of less-known species around the city, like yellow warblers, flickers, cardinals or red eyed vireos? Or put more money in FLAP, since it's clear that many buildings still aren't shutting down their lights?
Guess i've not had enough caffeine yet and am just grumpy!!