Today was once again full of some wonderful surprises at Long Sault. I got there just as the sun was rising and birded for 2.5 hours before I'd had enough of the heat and most especially the bugs.
Highlights include:
-barred owl
-field sparrow
-indigo bunting-5
-f rose breasted grosbeak
-hairy woodpecker
-rusty blackbird-6
-brown thrasher
-eastern towhee
-scarlet tanager-2
-olive sided flycatcher- my first of the year
-northern oriole
-northern mockingbird
warblers: tennessee, mourning, chestnut-sided, pine, common yellowthroat, yellow-throated warbler
The yellow-throated warbler was in plain sight for about five seconds at a distance of about five meters. I can dismiss it being a female blackburnian, because only the throat was yellow not the head, which leaves the only other possibility, a northern parula.
I'm pretty certain its not a parula b/c the plummage on the back was a mottled black and white, not the relatively uniform colouration of a parula... which leaves me with the yellow-throat. I also saw a half dozen of them this year in Mexico so I have a decent idea of what they look like.
A great day!
Cheers and happy birding.