Great variety and numbers of shorebirds today. Total 13 species of shorebirds. I had one lifer (White-rumped Sandpiper 2 ad.) and four new species for the year (Baird's Sandpiper 2 juv, Wilson's Snipe 1, Green Heron 1 and Northern Pintail 1 female).
Complete list:
6 Canada Goose
1 Wood Duck
1 American Wigeon
30 Mallard
1 Blue-winged Teal
3 Northern Shoveler
1 Northern Pintail
5 Green-winged Teal
4 Ruddy Duck
3 Pied-billed Grebe
1 Great Blue Heron
1 Green Heron
3 Turkey Vulture
1 Northern Harrier
1 Black-bellied Plover
7 Semipalmated Plover
100 Killdeer
3 Spotted Sandpiper
50 Lesser Yellowlegs
20 Semipalmated Sandpiper
200 Least Sandpiper
2 White-rumped Sandpiper
2 Baird's Sandpiper
50 Pectoral Sandpiper
1 Stilt Sandpiper
1 Short-billed Dowitcher
1 Wilson's Snipe
10 Ring-billed Gull
5 Mourning Dove
1 Eastern Kingbird
2000 Tree Swallow
50 Barn Swallow
500 European Starling
1 Cedar Waxwing