Went out yesterday with Hugh Currie and Gerry Shemilt to look for some Ontario rarities and we had a very successful day.
We started in the morning at Beeton sod farms where we saw 5 Buff-breasted sandpipers, 2 American Golden plovers and many Black-bellied Plovers.
Lunch time we headed over to Luther marsh and found the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (thanks Brete). also here Sandhill cranes, Great egrets, Bobolinks and Osprey.
Mid afternoon we had moved over to West Perth Wetlands and saw the 2 Marbled Godwits and a Hudsonian Godwit, also here were White-rumped, Solitary, Bairds, Least, Semipalmated, Pectoral Sandpipers, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Semipalmated, Black-bellied and Golden Plovers and an obliging Sora.
Thanks again to Hugh Currie for inviting me along and especially to Gerry Shemilt for letting me use her scope to get some real nice digiscoped images of the Godwits
Have upload new photos to my website at