A busy couple of days.
Highlights on the 6th:
-1 philadelphia vireo
-1 great horned owl
-4 red-eyed and 1 warbling vireo
-a relatively late female oriole
-swainson's and hermit thrushes
-warbler species (14 in total) included: N. parula, chestnut-sided, nashville, redstart, black & white, wilson's (10), black-throated green and blue, palm, blackburnian
-7 chimney swifts
-marsh wren
-ruby-throated hummingbirds 20+
Highlights on the 9th:
(Mostly Raptors- it's actually a great place to watch them)
-150+ sharp-shins
-75+ kestrels
-2 coopers
-2 broad-winged
-6 merlins
-7 osprey (3 are locals)
-7 turkey vultures
-2 juvenile bald eagles, 1 was being harrassed by an osprey
Also at Darlington pond, just behind the fields at the southern terminus of Solina Rd. there were some surprising spots.
-Greater yellowlegs, common moorhens (10), green heron (2), gadwall, green and blue-winged teal, black ducks...
Happy birding!