Ive heard the stories. Have yet to actually expereince any firsthand.
Some people are discourteous, rude, unthinking, confrontationa, etcl regardless of their pursuit. So in my opinion its not a "Birder" vs "photographer" thing. Its a people thing. There good and bad across the board and no "group" can claim the moral high ground.
Yes, some "people" probably go too close to bird X in an effort to get a picture.
Yes, some people proably tresspass, step off trails in order to see bird x better with their scope/binoculars
Yes, some people bait birds of prey in order to get better pcitures
Yes, some people put out seed, play tapes in order to better see birds
I wonder if some chickadee has ever fallen to some hawk/cat at someones feeder?
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Where do you draw the line? At the gas and damage we all do to the enviroment? How good is it *really* for the birds that thousands of "birders" and "photgraphers" will flock to some park to see some rare bird?
Bootom line imo.
Theres good and bad in across the board and noone is without sin
Anyone even trying to claim moral high ground is deluding themselves. So all thats left is how you as an indiviaul treat other "people".
Theres good and bad in each.
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