At about 11am this morning I desided to go down to Hendrie Valley to see if I could see the resident
Grey Catbird. It took a short while before I spotted him fly deep into a large bush near the boardwalk. Further down I saw a
White-Throated Sparrow bouncing around in marshy area. Al the usual others were where as well. More
House Finches then usual and a
Purple Finch were eating the seed on the railings.
There is this one legged
Downey Woodpecker there that I see every time, he's so cute, and very tame. He'll take seed from the hand easily. I wonder what would cause a woodpecker to loose a foot?
On the way back along the trail to the Cherry Hill Gate near where the fence is at the bottom of the hill I saw a
Carolina unexpecked bonus for sure! A first for me
On another note after I got back home I took my dog for a walk and I saw
House Finches and a
Northern Mockingbird which I haven't seen in my backyard before. The mockingbird didn't seem to be bother by the dog at all and kept hoping along the fence about 3m away from us.
The Birds in the backyard empty my 3 feeders every 2 days now that there is snow on the ground. At one point there were 8
Juncos, 6
American Tree Sparrows, 4
House Sparrows, 5
Mourning Doves, 2
Blue Jays, and a
Chickadee. Then a
Red Tail Hawk scared them all away.
It's a good weekend fore sure, to go with the
Eastern Towhee I saw at LaSalle Last weekend and the extremely cold looking
Robin I saw on Friday