Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas presale
Outdoor Ontario

Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas presale

OBBA · 1 · 2697


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As many birders are aware, the second Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas recently wrapped up data collection and has spent the last year sorting records and beginning the process of turning all that hard work into an informative publication. It is the product of over 150,000 hours spent in the field by a multitude of dedicated volunteers who collected a phenomenal 1.2 million individual breeding bird records! We are pleased to announce that the upcoming book is now available for presale at a significantly reduced rate from the anticipated retail cost.

The Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas is one of just a few regional atlases to enter its second edition. Not only does the atlas provide information about the current distribution of species in the province, but because of the ability to look back on the first publication of 20 years ago, it also offers insight into the changes populations have experienced, which can be applied outside of Ontario as well. The second atlas also saw the introduction of methodology that has allowed us to create abundance maps for most species in the province, something that has not been done before.

The atlas is a valuable reference that would be a great addition to any birder’s shelf. It will be 9x12 inches and contain over 700 full colour pages of photographs, maps, and charts for the 300 species breeding in the province. It is available at a presale price of CA$79, well below the anticipated retail price of CA$96 (prices include GST, distribution, and handling, US residents are exempt from taxes), but only until February 28. The presale allows us to determine how many copies to print and helps cover publication costs. Profits from the sale of the atlas will go towards bird conservation projects in Ontario and Canada. More information, including sample accounts showing anticipated page layout, are available at the atlas’ website, http://www.birdsontario.org/. Orders can be placed online, or you can also call the atlas office at 1-866-900-7100 or email us at atlas@uoguelph.ca
Web: www.birdsontario.org
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by OBBA »