Hand feeding easy at Lemoines Pt, Kingston
Outdoor Ontario

Hand feeding easy at Lemoines Pt, Kingston

Tak · 3 · 2675


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For anyone else with young children (or who loves hand feeding birds) just thought I'd mention the chickadees (and even white-breasted nuthatches) at Lemoine's Point park in Kingston are incredibly tame. There were dozens of birds at various spots, and they were so used to hand feeding, they would perch and pick up 3-4 small sunflower seeds in one visit. (I'm more used to the ones that pick up one seed, fly off to crack it open and eat, then return to pick up the next.)

Given the huge numbers of amblers and dog walkers, we didn't see too many other birds, though, just a downy and a red-breasted nuthatch.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Tak »


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I live in Collins Bay and go to lemoine often, great spot near the city.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by newfoundlander61 »


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I am about 5 minutes from Lemoines Point and handfeed the chickadees on my farm.  They are so tame that in the winter they perch on my shoulders, my hat, my forearms waiting for a chance at the seeds in my hands, and this is when I'm walking my 3 dogs!  One time one couldn't find a spot to land, so he landed upside down on the bit of skin between my nostrils!  Quite a painful experience I'll tell you.  I think it was my quick intake of breath that actually moved him, thank goodness. :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Ballybay »