Russell Williams
Outdoor Ontario

Russell Williams

Axeman · 3 · 3949


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Undoubtedly many of you have been following, probably as horrified as I was, the Killer Colonel trial.

I'm wondering if any of you were as bothered by the fact that they have not brought a dangerous offender application.

The Crown was quoted as saying that bring one would be superflous and that the reason they went through all the evidence as they did was to put it on the record so that it would be there in 25 years for a parole board to consider.

First, a dangerous offender application was not considered superflous in the case of Paul Bernardo. The application was brought and he was found to be one. While it doesn't mean he can't be released, it does put the onus on the prisoner to show that he should be released and is far stringent a test than the ordinary parole test...and it also gives a host of other tools that can be used for monitoring AFTER release.

Second, the sentence handed to this monster was relatively NOTHING. Two concurrent life sentences. In Canada life does not mean life. There were no restrictions placed on when he can seek parole. Theoretically it will be 25 years before he an seek parole but there have been occassions where it has happened earlier...much earlier. As for the reocord, without the exhibits which are to be destroyed shortly, it is just paper. Transcripts lose their horror with passing years.

Third, parole was designed to reward the prisoner for his conduct in the's about manageability....Williams can easily manipulate the system and be released. Perhaps even sooner than 25 years.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Axeman »


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Good points and assestment. I don't think he will ever get out myself.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by newfoundlander61 »


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will not post my thoughts

These were HEINOUS

My heart to the families

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by egret »