Glad both of you,took part and enjoyed spotting what was around. I popped over to my local hotspot,and though fresh snow kept running-shoed BIGFRANK from exploring extensively I did have some excitement. I found an Eastern Screech-Owl,which Ive seen consistantly this winter. It was sitting in an evergreen,more obscured from sight this occassion then others Id been. Hoping it might move into a better viewing spot,I left the immediate area,taking shelter under some cedar trees,out of the owls view. 20 min later,as I stood watching the tree,the sky and the multitudes of Gray,Black and Red Squirrels,I saw the shadow of a small raptor. I stepped forward,scanning the sky and it came into view,an adult Sharp-shinned Hawk. It made a b-line for the position of the Screech-Owl,landing on the same branch with it. The male Screech-Owl(Newfie I call him),took better cover moving closer to the trunk and an even more obscured position. The Sharp-shinned Hawk then took off. All of this took place in mere seconds. Excitedly I made my way from my "hiding spot" to where I could properly view the owl and was happy to see all was well. Seeing Newfie was OK,I again moved well away to observe him. Figuring this excitement would keep him hidden,I left shortly after. Although I wasnt anywhere near him,I didnt want to add stress to the poor fellow.