Phishing by use of electronic devices.
Outdoor Ontario

Phishing by use of electronic devices.


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So, can someone out there tell me the reason for people using electronic devices to phish out bird species other than for their own benefit to capture photographs?

I am not looking to start an argument on the board but I have seen more than a few people doing this and to extreme levels as well.  I used to think it wasn't too bad if someone played the male of a certain species known to be in an area for a moment to attempt to bring out a live specimen for a photograph.  Then, I began to notice it would bring the birds out, and they appeared to be stressed...  defending territory during mating season I suppose.  And, on occasion, I have found people playing Owl sounds to bring everyone out in fear or defence.  It has been mentioned by some experts in some bird walks I have been on.  Most of the guides frown upon people using such measures.  We have seen it on bird walks through Sam Smith, Humber Bay, Riverwood, Lambton and so on.  It seems to upset enough other people, never mind the birds, but people grumble about it to each other and nothing else gets done.  I suppose nothing really can be done.

So, I am curious about the opinions of others here on this board.  Do you think it's okay to phish with electronic devices, or not?  Do you use such devices in your walks?  If yes, maybe taking a moment to explain why?

Once again, not wanting to start any arguments here.  But some opinions on this matter would be appreciated.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Rob'in'To »
A birth certificate shows we were born.  A death certificate shows we died.  Pictures show we live.


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Some birders appear obsessed with numbers, quantity rather than quality. Unfortunately, people who worry or harass birds and animals with the aid of electronic devices as you have mentioned for the purpose of adding another number to their life list or photo cache, are growing. Walkie-talkie use between birders/photographers at Pt. Pelee and elsewhere is now quite common. Who cares that those annoying squelch and chirp sounds are irritating other birders (and birds, possibly). Just as people obsessed with cell phones are constantly playing, er..using them, even in normally quiet areas, with complete disregard for those around them. I often carry my ipod touch with various birding apps into the field but I use it for reference and, although tempted, I've not tried to call a bird with it. I don't think it has the volume for it anyway.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Lloyd »


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I'd sooner take in a number of minutes with one bird, if it were possible.  I saw my first Scarlet Tanager back in May @ Etobicoke Creek area, a pair actually, but it was over in seconds.  I wasn't able to "absorb" them visually, so I felt as if I didn't actually see them.  Lucky for me, later that afternoon, was in High Park and spotted another male who flew around one small area for a number of minutes.  I was able to see him well, and hear him too.

The electronic devices are annoying to me.  They appear upsetting to the birds.  To me, it would also seem to take the fun out of it.  Where is the joy in adding a photo to someone's collection or another addition to a life list without any actual physical effort (kinda like the thrill of chase)?

Cell phones in movie theatres are a huge pet peeve of mine.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Rob'in'To »
A birth certificate shows we were born.  A death certificate shows we died.  Pictures show we live.


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They should not be used.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by newfoundlander61 »


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I find it very upsetting when people use these devices. I think if you need to lure a bird out in any way it should be left alone. As much as I like to tick birds off my list, I will not chase them in any way. We should be protecting them, not bothering them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Sahria »

JW Mills

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For me electronic phishing per se is not an issue, the issue is to what degree.
Phishing is nothing new. People have been immitating bird calls in differnt ways for years in order to attract birds. The difference now is that it's done electronically.
One of the first things I remember seeing is people doing 'pishing' sounds to attract Chickadees so they can hand feed them. I can do a pretty good imitation of a RWBB, Cardinal and Screech Owl. There's a old gent at Lambton Woods who can  do a Pileated Woodpecker so well it'll fool anybody.
I also have an Audobon Bird Call that I've used on occasion. These things have been around since 1951.
So, is it ok to phish provide you do not do it electronically?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by JW Mills »
Open Channel D


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Well, the ABA Code of Birding Ethics (linked to at the top of this page) has the following to say...

"Limit the use of recordings and other methods of attracting birds, and never use such methods in heavily birded areas, or for attracting any species that is Threatened, Endangered, or of Special Concerns, or is rare in your local area"

So, some limited use of pishing is allowed.  If you are working on a census of rails, I can't imagine not using a recording.  Similarly, finding nocturnal birds is much harder without some sort of aid.

And for the record, pishing (or squeaking) is "A North American term for the practice of attempting to attract passerine birds close to the observer by noisily sucking air through pursed lips or loudly kissing the back of the hand."  Phishing is "an attempt to trick someone who has an internet bank account into giving information that would allow someone else to take money out of the account."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by GStuart »


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I know the over-use of electronics is what brought me to bring this up on the board; or what I feel is over-use or just plain wrong.  To read the opinions of others who get out there and do similar things being bird watching and photographing the birds.  And to see what others find to be acceptable (or not) with such usage.  I am curious if these are as I what I see to be extreme measures...  like a call being played out repeatedly for 20 seconds approx, without too much exaggeration on my seconds count, seems rather lengthy.  Or, using the sounds of a predator to hopefully flush every bird out of hiding while a group of people stand with cameras and binoculars pointed at a barren tree just seems wrong.  I have seen these methods being used more during both spring and fall migration seasons

Thanks to everyone who has taken a moment out to share their opinion.  Also, for clarifying pishing over phishing.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Rob'in'To »
A birth certificate shows we were born.  A death certificate shows we died.  Pictures show we live.