Hey Crystal,
My experience with saflour?
Well I spent a small fortune on a big bag of it.
Guaranteed the cardinals love it right?
Guaranteed no one else does right?
Well, My cardinals won't even touch the stuff and the sparrows and the doves eat it like it's candy. :roll:
Same with niger seed. My finches won't touch it. But everyone else thinks it's great.
So now everyone just gets mixed wild bird seed.
Except the chickadees and nuthatches, they have to have the black oiled. because there just too cute. :wink:
But to hell with the rest of the greedy buggers! They don't appreciate the time and money I spend on the good stuff.
Boring old mixed seed it is. no one gets anything special.
:lol: :lol:
My rant is done thank you.
So now I have a 20 pound bag of the stuff that is worth it's wait in gold...hold off on the purchase and I'll give you my bag when I see you on the 5th.