Had a great hawk session at the Minesing Wetlands near Barrie this past weekend and for some reason almost all the hawks gave super awesome views, why can't it be like this all the time ;-) I've been without my 400mm for over a month now but on this day the 250mm was more than enough, I can't believe I just said that ;-) Both images have a very slight crops for composition purposes and are pretty much full framed.
We were able to drive right up beside this young Red-tail and he stayed put for a minute before taking off into the field
At one point on McKinnon Road there was over 10 hawks perched close to the road within a 200 foot radius, never seen anything like that before. There was two Rough-legs that did fly bys over and over again, a couple times I was a little nervous as they were flying right over my head only 25 feet up. here's one just about to pass over my head giving me the stare down.
Then the other one decided to perch in a tree right beside me, I'm amazed how RL stay balanced at the top of trees on flimsy branches.
A great outing to say the least!