Chickadee and Nuthatch Food Cacheing
Outdoor Ontario

Chickadee and Nuthatch Food Cacheing

JW Mills

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There are two areas at Lambton Woods where I feed the chickadees on occasion.
Now I know that chickadees will cache food for the future but while I see them take a peanut and fly away I have not actually seen them cache it. They do not seem to store the nuts within the immediate area.
Today at the spot where I hand feed, one chickadee picked up a peanut from my hand and proceeded to stuff it up my coat sleeve!
At my non hand feeding site I leave the peanuts on a log. Today a Red-breasted Nuthatch showed up. I watched as he took the nuts and stuffed them in log crevices or under tree bark mostly within my sight! From what I could see each cache held only one nut. I would say the one Nuthatch made off with as many peanuts as 4 to 6 chickadees.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by JW Mills »
Open Channel D


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There is a crevice in my maple tree where I haven't seen birds hide things, but have seen many birds spot and pull things out from. I always wonder about that :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Sahria »


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On the same topic I have two stories.

A few weeks ago was watching my blue jays come to collect the 'peanuts in the shell' I throw out for them. At the time they had competition from the squirrels. One blue jay sat silently in a nearby tree watching as a squirrel buried a peanut in the grass. As soon at the squirrel leaves, in he swoops to nab that peanut for himself.

Another time a blue jay pushes a peanut into the grass to hide it. He then picks up 2 separate leaves from nearby and covers the peanut. I was just amazed at the apparent intelligence of these birds

I loved your "one chickadee picked up a peanut from my hand and proceeded to stuff it up my coat sleeve!" awesome!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by RKD »