Id be interested to know if you can read or enhance the band on the Peregrine. And where the photo is taken. I would be able to tell you reasonably quickly who the bird is..where it was banded etc. It is clearly a Canadian band(at least with colour showing on my monitor which can be hinky) over black with white numbers. I can clearly see the bottom letter is a Y and there is a ?3 number on top..13 or 33? maybe. If you have more in this series of photos could U have a go at reading it? Or pvt me for my email address. I do volunteer work with The Canadian Peregrine Foundation and we would have an answer soon as I can call the office. The raptor in question is a Merlin that you arent sure of.
Quote from: "BIGFRANK"Id be interested to know if you can read or enhance the band on the Peregrine. And where the photo is taken. I would be able to tell you reasonably quickly who the bird is..where it was banded etc. It is clearly a Canadian band(at least with colour showing on my monitor which can be hinky) over black with white numbers. I can clearly see the bottom letter is a Y and there is a ?3 number on top..13 or 33? maybe. If you have more in this series of photos could U have a go at reading it? Or pvt me for my email address. I do volunteer work with The Canadian Peregrine Foundation and we would have an answer soon as I can call the office. The raptor in question is a Merlin that you arent sure of.looks like 13 Y to me, but it also looks like there's a # in front of the 13.great peregrine pics, denis