Thanks everyone
@farmer - I'll have to try that and see if I have better luck ;-)
@Napper - it was a four day trip to Timmins and Cochrane and was a whirlwind tour;-). There are Grosbeaks in the Barrie area I just have yet to see them ;-(
@Irene - From what I've read the name came from a aboriginal word "Wisekejack" which means a mischievous, transforming spirit who liked to play tricks on people. If you say Gray Jay to most people up there they have no clue what you're talking about, even Canada Jay doesn't carry meaning to most.
@Gary - A trip up to Algonquin Park in the winter season and you'll usually see all of these species minus the Hawk Owl, but there's been one of those in Orillia the last couple years so you may be able pick it up on the drive to the park.