Went down to Long Point yesterday for some early winter birding.
Highlights were 20 Snow geese (Blue and White Morphs of Lesser and Greater) flying over Port Rowan pier and a Red-shouldered hawk at the pier, Hundreds and hundreds of Sandhill Cranes in fields just north of the golf course at corner of highway 59 and Lakeshore road. Along Lakeshore road just past Port Royal were more Sandhill cranes and 2 killdeer and at Lee Brown Wildlife area little bit further on the same road were a flock of 20 american pipits, northern harrier and a sharp-shinned hawk chasing a mixed flock of blackbirds. Also at 2nd concession west of highway 59 were a field full of Tundra swans, 1000's of them. Many more swans were flying around and on the water close along the causeway. Also here were pied-billed grebese, ruddy ducks, northern shovelers, american wigeon and easily hundreds of thousands of coots out on the bay.
As an added bonus there is a Spotted Towhee still coming to a feeder on highway 59 just south of the lakeshore road, is house #1024 with Finney on the mailbox. Better to park in the restuarant just before here and walk down to the house, can see the feeders in the back.
Can see photos of the Snow Geese, Sandhill Cranes and Tundra Sawns at