I'd be interested to know why that Pyrrhuloxia was not accepted and if last year's Phainopepla was, or maybe that one has not been voted upon yet?
I have a feeling that this thread is winding down so , for what it's worth, I am going to withdraw my original cnadidate of Northern Lapwing ( if that's allowed! and here are my top 5 picks for next new Ontario bird:
Pink-footed Goose---there are usually 2 or 3 sightings on the east coast, usually during winter, every year including this one. I chased 2 in July just across the border from Ottawa i Quebec about 6 years ago but couldn't find them among the gazillions of Canada Geese.
Red-necked Stint---these are also annual on the east coast usually during Fall migration.
Anna's Hummingbird---there is one coming to a feeder in Pennsylvania at present--they are hardy little souls.
Curve-billed Thrasher---there was one in Manitoba this year
Reddish Egret----if there have been Wood Storks and Little Blue Herons and Tricolored Herons, why not this one?