Bohemian waxwings at Long Sault- Dec. 17
Outdoor Ontario

Bohemian waxwings at Long Sault- Dec. 17


  • Old Timer
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I was hiking on the eastern bluebird trail towards one of the two hills that look south out over Lake Ontario when I spotted fifteen in a tree. I took my time hiking to the top and too my surprise they didn't bat an eyelash. At the top ten more joined them in a tree just to my right and they allowed me some excellent close-ups.

This bird is a first for me so I was super excited. It was also great to see so many. As I was leaving they flew over top of the parking lot headed north towards the eastern cottontail trail.

I also spotted:
-juvenile male N. goshawk
-red-breasted nuthatch

Highlights from earlier in the week

At Cranberry Marsh (Dec. 16):

-1 snow goose
-1 robin
-1 golden crowned kinglet
-2m 4f cardinals
-4 white-throated sparrows
-1 N. goshawk, a female I believe
-1 white breatsed nuthatch
-8 common redpolls- they allowed me to approach very close in a series of birch just to the north of the parking lot
- 2 red-tailed hawks
-1m 1f 1 juv. N. Harrier- the male was a big surprise he burst from the ground to attack a red-tail that passed to close and then harried the bigger bird for another few minutes... first good look I've had at a male in a long time (1.5 years)

At Thickson:

-1 N. mockingbird
-1m 1f house finch
-4m 2f cardinals
-9 common redpolls
-1 cooper's hawk

On Dec. 14 along the waterfront trail between Holt and Bennett Roads in Bowmanville

-1 N. shrike
-13m 9f redheads
-1 N. mockingbird
-7 red tailed hawks
-1 juvenile female rough-legged hawk she was hovering no more than twenty feet away and didn't seem to mind at all
when I stopped to enjoy an awesome close-up- later she landed in the field and I enjoyed another great look

Some great spots again this week

Happy Birding
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by beresford »


  • Old Timer
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    • Posts: 315
Sightings from Dec. 18-23

At Long Sault:

-80+ robins
-25 bohemian waxwings -they were there again on the Saturday but stayed high up in some tall trees- still was great to see them
-red breasted, white breastednuthatch
-golden crowned kinglets
-1m 1f cardinal
-1 N. Shrike- a juvenile

in Solina:

-1 belted kingfisher

at Bowmanville Valley:

-8 redpolls
-2 white-throated sparrows
-2 white breasted nuthatches
-1 kestrel
-2 downy, 2 hairy woodpeckers
-2 golden-crowned kinglets
-4m 4f cardinals
-3m 1f house finch
-1 N. mockingbird

at Cranberry Marsh:

-7 robins
-1 N. Shrike- another juvenile
-1 f N. harrier
-2 red-tails
-1 rough-legged hawk
-1 g.c. kinglet

-I also spotted somehere in the neighbourhood of 50-60 redheads at the waterfront in Whitby. The most I've ever seen.

Another great week.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by beresford »


  • Old Timer
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    • Posts: 315
Highlights from Dec. 24-29:

Whitby waterfront:

1f N. harrier
1 adult greater black-backed gull
21m 19f common goldeneyes
15 redhead
2m 3f red-breasted mergansers


2 white-throated sparrows
1 robin

Thickson woods:

1 juvenile f cooper's hawk
1 kestrel
4 redpolls

Long Sault:

10 snow buntings- was within 30 feet of six birds the closest I've ever been
1 golden crowned kinglet
2 red-tailed hawks


4m 2f cardinals
1 w.b. nuthatch
1 adult female coopers hawk
1m 2f downy woodpeckers
1m 1f hairy woodpecker
1m N. flicker (the latest I've ever seen one by far)
1m red-bellied woodpecker

Happy birding

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by beresford »


  • Old Timer
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    • Posts: 315
I birded Cranberry Marsh, Whitby waterfront and Second Marsh today (Dec. 30th) with some great results.

At Cranberry:

-2m 1f cardinal
-1 marsh wren -a first in the winter for me
-1 wb nuthatch
-2 w.t. sparrows

Whitby waterfront:

-15 redheads
-1 adult greater black-backed gull
-2m 5f red breasted mergansers
-4m 8f common mergansers

Second Marsh:

-4 song sparrows                        
-3 juvenile white-crowned sparrows
-1 swamp sparrow
-1 N. mockingbird
-5m 9f long-tailed ducks (first of the season) :)
-1 N. shrike
-1 N. Harrier
-1 red tail
-2 gc kinglets
-2 greater black-backed gulls
-1m 1f cardinal
-1m barrows goldeneye- a lifer for me :) - spotted him amongst a large group of commons. for just a moment he was turned to the side and I enjoyed a clean look at the spots on the sides of its back- otherwise at about 80m offshore it is hard to differentiate one bird from the next

Happy birding
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by beresford »