Hello Everyone,
I thought that I would make my first post a short introduction.
I have been following this board (lurking) for quite sometime and decided for the new year that I needed to join you and participate. Even if all I do is ask a few questions and say thank you a lot.
I am learning photography and birds have become one of my favourite subjects. I hope to get or make some photographs as good as some I have seen posted here.
I want to learn more about birds and birding as a way to improve my photography. I am on birdphotographers.net and have learned a bit from the members there including Artie Morris. birdphotographers.net is great site but it is not local. It is nice to read about the best way to get pictures of hummingbirds in Costa Rica but I am not likely to get down there to see them. Even the birds in Florida or Bosque del Apache are too far away. The information here is much more useful for me.
This past spring, the first week of May, I went with some of the members of the Etobicoke Camera Club to Point Pelee, Our Guide was Steve Pike. A few of you may know him. He seemed to know every second person at Point Pelee. I had a great time but we were completely blown out by high winds and some rain. I saw a crane flying backwards over the trees, but not many other birds. I got lots of photographs though and was quite happy about that.
I know I will learn and get help from many of you. I hope that I can give back and contribute to the board.
Thank you for your unknowing assistance for the past year or so.
Take care,
P.S. Next year I have decided to improve my photography by learning how to model bikinis. :-)