Its time once again to share my sightings for another week and once again it was an eventful one. Compared to past winters I'm not having any really slow weeks whcih is great it sure helps me escape the worst of the winter blahs.
Bowmanville Valley:
1m 1f cardinal
6 black ducks
1m belted kingfisher
1 great horned owl
Cranberry Marsh:
1 white throated sparrow
1 swamp sparrow
1m 1f downy woodpecker
4m 4f cardinals
2 white breasted nuthatches
Long Sault:
1m coopers hawk
1 raven
Whitby Harbour:
1 adult 1 juv. greater black-backed gull
1 (what I guess is the consensus) lessser black-backed gull
1 glaucous gull- a pale juvenile at the end of the ice floes on Tuesday... allowed me to approach quite close
7 redheads
6m 9f long-tailed ducks
1 peregrine falcon- flew past startling the gulls
6 trumpeter swans
17 mute swans
1 sub-adult harlequin duck- a first for me!
Odds and ends:
2m 2f cardinals, 1 f hairy 1 m downy woodpecker, 2m 4f house finches in Solina
9 robins along the waterfront trail near darlington nuclear
On Courtice Rd. between Highway 2 and Bloor on the east side where the shoulder widens I saw a large, mixed flock of snow buntings, horned larks and lapland longspurs... around 35 horned larks, 25 snow buntings and 10 longspurs... they were most obliging at least when they sat still for more than 15 seconds...
Happy birding