I was filling the feeders this afternoon and noticed this female House Finch buzzing around kinda funny like. She had a hard time landing properly as well. Finally she sat at one feeder because she couldn't land on the other feeder perches... this one is the big tank of a feeder compared to the others.
Anyway, getting a good look at her, took a few pictures, noticing her left eye is not looking too good. I have heard of an eye disease in House Finches, and notice it on the Project Feeder Watch Report pages, as a selection to check off, if ever noticed. So, this is my first time ever seeing this.
So, the internet is great for searching but the information can be overwhelming too. I fear of how this can spread to the other House Finches and if also to other birds visiting. One page says this, another says that.
Has anyone experienced something like this before? Does anyone have some easy terms, like you need to do this, or should do that, etc. from knowledge and personal experiences?
The Finch sat on the feeder right in front of me for a very long time, didn't move as I did what I had to do out there. She sat and ate steadily, occasionally teetering off the perch, but settling back in to feed some more. It is very obvious the left eye is useless and is effecting her judgement. I watched her fly up into the cedars and have a sit. Then, that bold Sharpie was watching from a well hidden spot, and came darting out, once again over my head and straight for her. She took off quick, disappearing through the cedars and so did the Hawk. I am not sure of the outcome. Hate to say, but if he caught her, it would be a blessing for sure.
Anyways, if someone here has some facts, info, or a good link to share with me. Much appreciated.
Here is a pic of her, from the photos I have seen in my search, I would definitely say this is Mycoplasmal Conjunctivitis.