hi all
While out for a walk on the Ajax-Pickering lakefront trail this past, gorgeous, Saturday, I came across a bird I can't ID. It was with a flock of chickadees in a fruit / coniferous tree grove bordering a scrubby meadow area. I couldn't get an absolutely clear view of it because of branches but it was only 30 feet away and the light was excellent.
When I first put my bins on it, I thought "snow bunting" because I could see a strong black and white contrast, and the size and bill structure was about right. It was clearly a (largish) sparrow-sized perching bird with a seed eater's bill. The head had clear black and white markings/ stripes. i thought I caught a chestnut flash on its sides, and when it turned its black and white (spotted? streaked?) tail to me I could see bright yellow undertail coverts. I half wondered if it was a goldfinch moving into breeding plumage but that didn't seem right.
Its continuous song was a clear, musical, two note whistle, high to low, followed by a pause. It appeared to be alone-- no answering calls.
Some kind of longspur comes to mind... either that or an escapee! If you want to know exact locations, drop me a line:
jules@web.ca I'd be happy to have the mystery cleared up even if I'm proven an ornithological fool!!