I went today down to the Lee Brown Waterfowl Management Area in search of the Greater White-Fronted Geese reported to Ontbirds yesterday. I located them after 30 minutes of hard searching with my scope and found 8 of them
in a mixed flock with Tundra Swans. They were visible from the viewing platform and were located in the fields north of Lakeshore road across from Lee Browns. A scope was required to find them as they were very far away. Also seen were 1500+ Tundra Swans
300+ Canada Geese and large numbers of waterfowl gathering in the fields (Northern Pintail, Redhead, Green-winged Teal, American Wigeon, Mallard, Ring-necked Duck, Gadwall, American Black Duck).To get to Lee Brown Waterfowl Management Area take highway 59 to Long Point, then turn right on Lakeshore Road until you reach the viewing platform and information signs about the area. A great day today with Greater-White Fronted Geese as a lifer!!