Toronto Islands - March 21, 2007
Outdoor Ontario

Toronto Islands - March 21, 2007


  • Old Timer
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    • Posts: 1520
Good morning guys and gals.

Below is a copy of the report that I sent to the TOC for our visit to The Islands yesterday on a cool blustery day. Things should pick up and the lagoons should open up next week IF and I say IF the weather stays warm as forecast.

March 21, 2007 - Toronto Islands - Includes Margaret Liubavicius

- Double-crested Cormorant - 5 - flying in the direction of The Spit - 2 over Snake Island and 3 over The Sanctuary
- Canvasback - 11 - in Lighthouse Pond and in lagoon on Hanlans Point
- Redhead - 69 - in lagoons and Trout Pond and Lighthouse Pond
- Ring-necked Duck - in lagoons on Centre Island and Hanlans Point and in Lighthouse Pond
- Greater Scaup - 288 - in lagoons and on lake thru-out as well as Lighthouse and Trout Ponds
- Lesser Scaup - 2 - Lighthouse Pond
- White-winged Scoter - 53 - on lake off Hanlans Point and 2 in lagoon on Hanlans Point
- Black Scoter - 1 - in lagoon on Hanlans Point
- Bufflehead - 76 - in lagoons and on lake thru-out as well as Lighthouse and Trout Ponds
- Common Goldeneye - 118 -in lagoons and on lake thru-out as well as Lighthouse and Trout Ponds
- Hooded Merganser - 4 - Trout Pond
- Common Merganser - in lagoons and, Trout Pond and Lighthouse Pond
- Cooper's Hawk - 2 - pair in The Sanctuary, female very vocal
- American Coot - 1 - lagoon on Centre Island
- Black-capped Chickadee - 31 - thru-out with most in The Sanctuary where they will mob you.
- Swamp Sparrow - 1 - The Sanctuary feeder
- White-throated Sparrow - 2 - The Sanctuary feeder and Snake Island
- Northern Cardinal - 16 - thru-out
- Eastern Meadowlark - 1 - on west side of airfield
- Brown-headed Cowbird - 2 - Snug Island

Note:- The lagoons were about 90% frozen with the occasional opening and the Trout and Lighthouse ponds were about 40% open.

March 21, 2007 - City Of Toronto - Includes Margaret Liubavicius

- Common Loon - 2 - flying NW high over the Toronto Islands ferry dock at 7:30 am.

Ferry schedule -  - be aware that if you miss the last boat off of Hanlans Point at 3:45 pm you will have to walk all the way back to Wards Island.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Anonymous »


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 769
Excellent post with lots of very good info. I live in Kingston but next time I am down in the TO area I will check out the island. Thanks for the post.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by JTF »
Paul O\'Toole