Reports from Scotchblock, Milton
Outdoor Ontario

Reports from Scotchblock, Milton


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Hello all, it's been awhile,---Faltorvo here.

Scotchblock is a small lake that saddles the 3rd line in Milton Ont. North of 10th side rd and South of 15th side rd.

The North west shore is starting to thaw thanks to a small inlet stream.

Water fowl are starting to rest there, mid day. Canada geese and Mallards are the most commen but

in the last 2 days i have seen some interesting birds.

6 pairs of wood ducks , some  Gadwalls--,American Wigeon,-- Am Black duck,--Blue-winged teal,--common golden eye,--lesser scaup,ring- necked--redheads and one 1 can't, id it's a duck with  dark sides and head, with a white ish mohawk strip on it's head and a white ish bill, white and black mottled patch on back(kinda like a downy or hairy WP) and white tiped wings (maybe) , black tail(maybe).

And a goose i can not ID , roughly 2/3ds the size of a Canada goose, White body , black wing tips , pink bill and legs but the top of the neck and head are dark (possibly black) , i know up to the head part it sounds like a snow goose. It was solo but hanging on the outer fringed of a flock of Can geese.
Also of note ,Pileated wood pecker,robins,RWB,Killdear and a host of the regulers.
WARNING* If you go down there beware to last years poisonous Giant HOG WEED. Maybe Napper or RKD will make the trip over or others in the area.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 04:36:25 PM by faltorvos »


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Went to the block today, we can add common mergansers and 1 huge GBH.

I know there are other birds there that i am either not ID ing or ID ing correctly.

If you go bring your big binos, some are a stretch away.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by faltorvos »


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Hey faltorvos

Long time no talk!

Sorry not today, too many things to do around the house, maybe Sunday morning.

On the way to Home Hardware today I spotted my first Turkey Vulture of the year near the Millpond, Milton.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Napper »
Interesting site you should check out is
flkr...   Recent updates 2017 old pics
You know your getting old when.....wait, what?


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HMM interesting, i still have Siskens,Juncos and Redpoles at my feeder.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by faltorvos »


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I'll have to try and get over there this week, pending snowstorms.
The goose you saw sounds interestingly like ones we saw at Longpoint last week. My waterfowl identifying skills are not good so when we saw them on the ice of Lake Erie I took note of them and thought it would be easy to identify them from my books at home...not so. But the way you describe them they sound just like what we saw but there were several of them together. There were also some trumpeter swans among them.
Hope someone will be able to shed some light on their ID.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by RKD »