Minesing Swamp Report – 5:00 pm March 24th
Take Regional Road 10 north from Angus;
Turn east on Concession Rd 3; drive east; on the south side in the flooded field were 30-40 pair of Pintail Ducks; 2 pair of Widgeon; some Mallard and dozens of Canada Geese
Regional 10 north again to Concession Rd 7, east to the Strongville Road; where the two meet were 50+ Tundra Swans and 35 Sandhill Crane, the males displaying and fighting each other; also a very dark Roughlegged Hawk which was spotted there on Saturday last
Following Strongville Rd north to Highway 26 and east to South Glengarry Landing Road; 1 km south on on the west side of the road were Hooded Merganser, 10-15 Wood Duck and a male Northern Harrier