This morning I noticed a male cardinal behaving strangely on my deck - flitting around and poking his beak down between the slats and flying under my table - he seemed general upset. I went outside to see if everything was okay and he did not seem put off by my presence and he kept up his behaviour. I then heard the sound of wings under my deck. The deck is enclosed except for a small hole chewn through the lattice by a squirrel to get at seed dropped down by the feeder. I went down my basement to have a look through the basement window and there was another male cardinal trying desperately to get out. Several times, I could see the 2 males face to face through the lattice. I went outside and baited the squirrel hole with hopes of luring him out, but after an hour, I knew this was not going to work as he seemed drawn to the other side of the deck (without an escape hatch) where the other male kept flitting about. So out I went again with a hack saw and cut a hole in the lattice on that side of the deck. Interestingly, I was accompanied by the other male the whole time - he stayed within a few feet of me and actually flew by my knees within a foot of me! The new escape hatch worked! Within minutes the free cardinal flew down near the hole and the jail bird escaped. It was then interesting the see the two of them hopping on the ground in front of each other and then grabbing each other by the beak and laying out on the ground wings spread. This behaviour lasted several seconds, perhaps a minute before they flew off. Would I be correct in believing that while the male was imprisoned under my deck the free male found his presence there threatening? I can't imagine it would be because he was worried about him. I look forward to your responses.