Queens park: warbler quartret
Outdoor Ontario

Queens park: warbler quartret

Andreas Jonsson

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Lots of warblers in the park this morning. Unfortunately I could only spend half an hour, so many had to be left without ID. Here's what I saw:

Black-throated blue warbler (3)
Palm warbler (~5)
Nashville warbler (1)
Yellow-rumped warblers (~10)

There were also:

Blue-headed vireo (1)
Brown-headed cowbird (1)

Also, there where some of the usual: White-throated and Chipping sparrow. Ruby-crowned kinglet, Junco, etc.

For you city-birders out there, I can recommend the chunks of coniferous trees (especially near the centre of the park). Many of the small birds seem to hide in there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Andreas Jonsson »