After the Thunderstorm move thru this evening I decided I should go over to the pond and have a little look about. (7:10 pm)
I figured with all of this rain and warm temps it should be starting to thaw a bit..
Well it sure sounds like spring, multiple song sparrows and Cardinals singing.. there appears to be a robin in every
second tree in the Neighbourhood, grackles are everywhere, junkos still here. Many Crows and Canada Geese
At the pond thin ice at the centre and water at the edges. I was able to spot 6 Buffleheads, 15 mallards, 20 or more Canada
Geese, 2 killdeer and what I think was a couple of ringed neck ducks "head appeared squashed, sat very erect in water and
had white vertical stripe in front of wing" ... Your going to think I am nuts but I am sure I spotted the forked
tail of a "Hirundo Rustica" flying North West. group of 8:?
I haven't had time to look at any recent reports....It could have been a Starling cause there are tons about.. but that forked
tail... :?: way too early...
Was 20 deg C today at 4:00 pm "this was a Bino's only trip"