I still have a couple of Juncos coming to my feeder. Also present: moulting Goldfinches, 5 pairs of House Finches (who I see courtship feeding), a lone Mourning Dove, 2 Red-breasted Nuthatches, a pair of Downy Woodpeckers, one Chickadee, my resident pair of Cardinals, and a lone, male Red-winged Blackbird, back to claim my yard as his territory (in previous years, he displayed on my feeder). And, Robins everywhere. I expect to be able to watch a nesting pair, in our yard.
A Cooper's Hawk flew over our yard. (It really lowered the number of doves in our yard, this winter.) At 4 pm, I saw a Red-tailed Hawk soaring over the neighbourhood. I'm glad it caught my eye, because I then saw 6 Turkey Vultures, soaring east.
My husband heard the Earl Bales Pileated Woodpecker drumming, this morning.
Earl Bales (off Sheppard, east of Bathurst, on Don River Rd, to parking lot) and G. Ross Lord Dam (at Finch and Dufferin) are 2 good spots to visit. I've seen egrets, herons, kingfishers, night-herons, mockingbirds, TVs at the dam.