Funny you mention how bad the cormorants are as we were just thinking the same thing this weekend. We were in HH Knoll Park in Port Colborne looking out at an offshore island and then again at Strawberry Island in the Niagara River - both of them are absolutely decimated by cormorant roosts and feces. They already look like that island by Burlington Skyway that everyone has 'joked' about for years. Wait until they hit Dufferin Islands... that will be interesting! Maybe it is a little too inland for them to nest, but if not, I'm willing to bet we'll see the NPC in there with rifles.
I am definitely going to check out the bobolink location though! Any further suggestions to help see them?
I do feel as though there is definite Ontario shift this year. I guess it is inevitable. Nothing groundbreaking, just environmental progress. I've seen more tufted titmice and horned larks than ever before. And my wife and I were just thinking about how bizarre it is going to be seeing turkeys as reported along Highway 60 in Algonquin this summer!